【kaggle】【quora insincere questions classification】5 文本分类中样本倾斜
- 对训练数据undersampling,即对多数类数据进行抽样,或者将少数类翻倍,使得两类数量相同,这种方法在效果上也还说得过去。但是这种方法会有一些问题:
- 重采样改变了样本的分布,对于某些依赖于样本概率分布的算法来说这个方法行不通。
- 对多数类采样会使信息减少,而对少数类翻倍并不会使得信息增多。
- 使用Cost-sensitive learning方法,该方法是想试试看能否通过训练时候这种惩罚把预测“推”向另外一面。
基本上,当我们应用K-fold CV并对每个折叠进行平均时,我们给出的预测是每个折叠的K模型的集合。如果是一个集合模型,即你的LB得分,至少有两个因素影响表现。
- 每个折叠的CV得分(每个基础分类器的性能)越高越好。
- 每个折叠的分歧越高越好。
因此,您还应该检查验证框架中的第二个因素(折叠预测之间的相关性)。如果需要,可以在K-fold CV之前分离一些数据作为最终预测的验证数据(LB评分的估计)。
There have been some issues regarding the correlation between CV and leaderboard scores in this competition.
Every top-scoring public kernel has a much lower CV score than leaderboard score. It has also been very frustrating to tune a model to optimal CV score only to discover that the score on the Leaderboard is abysmal.
A validation framework & impact of the random seed
There have been some issues regarding the correlation between CV and leaderboard scores in this competition.
- The much higher scores on the leaderboard compared to CV scores are caused by a low correlation between folds of K-Fold CV.
- When tuning a model, you have to find the best tradeoff between CV score and correlation between folds.
- The seed is a valid hyperparameter to tune when not tuning it to the public LB.
- Because the seed has a huge influence on the score, the LB score of top public kernels is not a good indicator on how good the model architecture is.
- Although this is a kernels-only competition, local compute does matter a lot because you will likely not be able to achieve a good score on the leaderboard without tuning the seed.
Til next time,
at 14:13